1. The name of this PTSA local unit shall be Issaquah Middle PTSA 2.6.35.  It was chartered November 1962.  Its National PTA local unit number is 2.6.35.
  2. This PTSA serves the students and families in the Issaquah Middle School community.
  3. This PTSA was incorporated on February 16, 1982.  The Corporation and UBI numbers are available upon request.  The Treasurer is responsible for filing the annual corporation renewal by February 28.
  4. The Registered Agent for this PTSA is the Washington State PTA.
  5. This PTSA is registered under the Charitable Solicitations Act, registration number 2329.  The Treasurer is responsible for filing the annual registration by May 31 to avoid penalties.
  6. This PTSA was recognized by the IRS as a non-profit, tax-exempt organization on August 12, 1991, under section 501 (c) (3).  The Federal Tax Identification Number (EIN) is available upon request.  A copy of the letter of determination is filed in the legal documents binder maintained by the Treasurer.  The Treasurer is responsible for filing the appropriate IRS Form 990 prior to November 15.
  7. Membership is open, without discrimination, to all community members who support the purpose of the PTSA including parents, teachers, staff, family members, guardians, and business people.  IMS students are considered honorary members without voice, vote, or privilege of holding office.
  8. Membership fees shall be at least $25 per family, defined as two adults, and at least $15 per individual.  IMS staff membership is complimentary.  All family, individual, and staff members have a voice and vote at IM PTSA general membership meetings.  A business/community membership for at least $10 will be available for individuals to support IM PTSA.
  9. The Nominating Committee shall be elected in accordance with the WSPTA Uniform Bylaws.
  10. The elected officers of this PTSA shall be President, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President Programs, Vice President Communications, and Vice President Ways and Means.  Any elected position may be held by two (2) people. In the event of co-treasurers, only one treasurer can be a signer on the bank account.  
  11. Elected officers must comply with the training requirements specified in the most current WSPTA Uniform Bylaws.  An elected office shall be declared vacant if an officer is absent from three (3) consecutive general membership meetings unless previously excused by the presiding officer.  In the event the office of President becomes vacant the Vice Presidents in the order Programs, Communications, Ways and Means, shall temporarily assume the duties until the office is filled.  
  12. Elected Officers shall be elected by the general membership by June1 and serve a one-year term from July 1 to June 30.  No person shall serve for more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office.
  13. The Board of Directors (BOD) of this PTSA shall consist of the elected officers and the chairs of the following committees:  Outreach and Staff Liaisons. Each member of the BOD is entitled to voice and vote at a Board meeting. Electronic mail voting is an acceptable method for business items that need to be expedited and arise between scheduled meetings. An effort should be made to contact all BOD members and a majority is needed for approval. The BOD shall meet monthly September through June unless otherwise posted. Quorum is a majority of the BOD.
  14. All Board members and committee chairs must be current PTSA members.
  15. General Membership meetings shall be held 4 times between September through June, unless otherwise posted.  Quorum for General Membership meetings shall be ten (10) members. In the event of a formidable challenge that prevents an in-person/online meeting, voting by mail or by electronic transmission may take place for regular PTSA business as well as for electing officers or members of a nominating committee. If voting for officers or members of a nominating committee takes place by mail or electronic transmission, the ballot with the name of each candidate is to be contained in the notice of the meeting and any vote cast must be received within the timeframe identified in the notice of the meeting.
  16. A Budget Committee shall prepare a draft budget for General Membership approval by the May General Membership Meeting.  The Board of Directors may reallocate up to $1000 budgeted for one purpose to another purpose.
  17. This PTSA shall maintain two (2) legal document notebooks in two (2) separate locations.  The Treasurer and the Secretary shall maintain the original documents.  Copies are to be made for the President.  
  18. This PTSA shall conduct a financial review twice a year.  The Financial Review Committee shall consist of no fewer than three (3) members appointed by the President or a qualified accountant.  No signer on the bank account for that period may be appointed to the Financial Review Committee.  
  19. Each PTSA check requires two (2) signatures; only elected officers shall have the authority to sign. There shall be at least three (3) authorized signers on the PTSA bank account.  The BOD shall determine which officers will be the authorized signers. 
  20. PTSA contracts must be signed by the President and one other elected officer.
  21. Bank Statements must be reviewed each month by a non-signer on the PTSA’s bank account.  Each statement must be provided unopened to the reviewer, if the reviewer finds no discrepancies or concerns he/she will sign and date the bank statement and give it to the treasurer to be filed.  The reviewer’s name(s) will be recorded in the Board of Director’s meeting minutes.  
  22. All reimbursement requests for authorized expenses must include a receipt and be submitted to the treasurer within 7 days of purchase.  All reimbursement requests must be submitted to the treasurer NLT 10 days prior to the end of the school year in which the expenses were incurred.  The treasurer shall provide reimbursements within 10 business days of a request being submitted. (Pending GMM vote 15 Jan 2024)
  23. STAFF GRANTS: Each staff member is entitled to a $125 grant from the PTSA. Grant receipts will be reviewed for reimbursement by the PTSA Board following a specific rubric. Grant "stacking" may be used on a case by case basis ONLY by the individuals in the specific department.  (pending GMM vote 15 Jan 2024)
  24. The Treasurer and President have online viewing authority of all financial accounts. The Treasurer shall change all account passwords yearly by July 1.
  25. One or more Golden Acorn and Outstanding Educator Awards may be presented annually to exceptional volunteers/educators/staff.  A committee appointed by the President shall select the recipient(s).  The Board of Directors may choose to present other awards such as Outstanding Advocate and Lifetime membership, as recommended by the committee.
  26. Voting delegates to the Issaquah PTSA Council shall be the President(s) and Three (3) other authorized delegates appointed by the president and approved by the BOD or general membership.
  27. Voting delegates for the Washington State PTA Convention shall be appointed by the President.
  28. Voting delegate for the State PTA Legislative Assembly shall be the Legislative Chairperson and other persons appointed by the BOD or determined by the general membership.
  29. This PTSA may partner with other non-PTSA organizations including, but not limited to the ASB.  
  30. The Standing Rules shall be approved annually by a majority vote at the September General Membership meeting.
  31. Per WSPTA Uniform Bylaws, IMPTSA will issue a single debit card to be held solely in the care of the President of the IM PTSA. Outlined debit card procedures will manage it’s use.

    1. Only the President, or members of the IM PTSA Board may use the debit card for IM PTSA related purchases.
    2. Prior to use, any board member requesting use of the debit card must fill out an online debit card transaction form with the approximated amount of the expenditure as well as items purchased and for what activity.
    3. Both the individual requesting use of the debit card and the President OR Treasurer must sign this from prior to the debit card being released.
    4. The debit card must be returned to the President no later than 48 hours after use. 
    5. All receipts for debit card usage must be turned in no later than 48 hours after use.
    6. If a card is lost or stolen, it will be immediately cancelled by the President and the account will be reconciled by a non-signer to identify any unauthorized transactions.
    7. Upon the end of the President’s term, or upon their resignation or removal from office, the debit card will be surrendered to Issaquah Middle PTSA Treasurer and immediately destroyed.
    8. If a resignation or removal occurs outside of the end of a standard term, a financial reconciliation shall be performed immediately by a non-signer.
    9. All receipts must be returned to the treasurer within 48 horus of expenditure through IM PTSA reconciliation/form.
    10. If the President uses the debit card for any reason, the same form must be filled out prior and signed by the treasurer. (PENDING GMM VOTE JANUARY 15, 2024)
  32. The Standing Rules may be amended at any General Membership meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) vote, or if previous notice is given and amendments publicized, by a majority vote.
  33. Parliamentary authority shall be Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.