
  • Plan and lead monthly Board of Directors (BOD) and General Membership meetings (GMM).
  • Maintain materials pertaining to Presidential duties.
  • Lead the PTSA toward the specific goals approved by the membership.
  • Understand the objectives of the PTSA, Washington State PTA Bylaws, and local unit Standing Rules.
  • Be aware of and utilize resources from Issaquah PTSA Council, State PTA, and National PTA.
  • Sign all binding agreements on behalf of the PTSA.
  • Attend and vote as a delegate at monthly Issaquah PTSA Council meetings, or send a delegate in his/her place.
  • Attend PTSA/Principal meetings as needed (typically 1x/month).
  • Be aware of key dates, deadlines, and priorities for the school and PTSA.
  • Work with the VP of Communications to ensure that the works, priorities, activities, successes, and needs of the PTSA are communicated to the membership.
  • Work with the Director of Volunteers and BOD to ensure that all committees have a Chair or Co-Chairs and understand their responsibilities.
  • Work with the Treasurer and Executive Board to ensure that the PTSA money is accounted for properly.
  • Work with the Budget Committee to establish the budget for the year.
  • Make appointments to positions and committees as designated in the Standing Rules with approval of the Executive Committee.
  • Disseminate and communicate all information received pertinent to PTSA programs.
  • Coordinate PTSA Grant Applications received to Executive Board.
  • Coordinate PTSA presence at Panther Days (August event)
  • Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees except nominating committee.
  • Upload and maintain electronic files relevant to the President's job on the IMPTSA President's Google Drive.
  • Own and maintain the IMPTSA President's Gmail account.
  • Ensure documents and emails are in order to transfer to the incoming President(s).
  • Meet with the incoming President(s) to pass on information about the President's role and responsibilities, including access to the IMPTSA President's Gmail account and Google Drive.
  • Attend at least one PTSA training (yearly) in accordance with the most current WSPTA Bylaws.


  • Attend monthly Board of Directors (BOD) and General Membership meetings (GMM).
  • Maintain notebook(s) pertaining to Secretarial duties.
  • Maintain Legal Documents notebook and coordinate with the Treasurer to make sure the notebooks align.
  • Take minutes of all meetings. Present previous month's minutes at meetings for review and approval.
  • Record attendance and determine existence of quorum at meetings.
  • Collaborate with the President(s) to plan meeting agendas.
  • Coordinate with the VP of Communications to issue GMM notices as needed.
  • Communicate with the Board as needed, including issuing notice of BOD meetings and provide documents as needed.
  • Provide documents (monthly minutes, yearly goals, and Standing Rules) to the Webmaster to be posted to the website.
  • If unable to attend a meeting, ask someone to act as Secretary to present minutes from the previous month's meeting and to take minutes for the current meeting.
  • Handle correspondence as needed by the President.
  • Upload and maintain electronic files relevant to the Secretary's job on the IMPTSA Secretary's Google Drive.
  • Own and maintain the IMPTSA Secretary's Gmail account.
  • Ensure documents and emails are in order to transfer to the incoming Secretary.
  • Meet with the incoming Secretary to transfer notebooks and pass on information about the Secretary's role and responsibilities, including access to the IMPTSA Secretary's Gmail account and Google Drive.
  • Other duties as assigned by the Standing Rules or the President.
  • Attend at least one PTSA training (yearly) in accordance with the most current WSPTA Bylaws.


  • Attend monthly Board of Directors (BOD) and General Membership meetings (GMM).
  • Maintain notebook(s) pertaining to the Treasurer's duties.
  • Receive and issue receipts for all PTSA funds.
  • Make bank deposits promptly.
  • Manage accounts payable from July 1st to June 30th according to the approved budget.
  • Renew and pay for insurance (November).
  • Keep a current, accurate and detailed account of all funds and input data into MoneyMinder, or other accounting software as designated by the PTSA.
  • Supply copy of monthly treasurer report to the Secretary by the Sunday before the BOD meeting each month.
  • Prepare and present written monthly financial reports at the BOD and GMM meetings.
  • Update website’s budget page or submit to the Webmaster.
  • Should be present at all other fundraisers, or arrange in advance for proper accounting of funds.
  • Serve as chairperson of the budget committee; lead new budget process in spring for the following year.
  • Oversee financial review processes in late January (if applicable) and early July.
  • File 990-N Tax Return (by Nov 15) or submit materials to accountant for Federal Tax Return for year served.
  • Maintain one copy of the PTSA Legal Documents notebook (Secretary has the other one). Coordinate with the Secretary to make sure the copies align properly.
  • Pay all state corporation fees (i.e., Charitable Solicitations and Incorporation Annual Report in February).
  • Pay the yearly Raffle License with the WA State Gambling Commission (if applicable) and file quarterly reports (Jan, Apr, July, Oct).
  • Assist the VP of Ways & Means with Corporate Matching.
  • Upload and maintain electronic files relevant to the Treasurer's job on the IMPTSA Treasurer's Google Drive.
  • Own and maintain the IMPTSA Treasurer's Gmail account.
  • Ensure documents and emails are in order to transfer to the incoming Treasurer.
  • Meet with the incoming Treasurer to transfer notebooks and pass on information about the Treasurer's role and responsibilities, including access to the IMPTSA Treasurer's Gmail account and Google Drive.
  • Attend at least one PTSA training (yearly) in accordance with the most current WSPTA Bylaws.
  • The Treasurer oversees the following committees:
    • Budget Committee
    • Financial Review Committee

 VP Communications

  • Attend monthly Board of Directors (BOD) and General Membership meetings (GMM).
  • Prepare and present monthly reports at the BOD and GMM meetings.
  • Support BOD via recommendations, as needed, on how to communicate/advertise events and fundraisers via PTSA E-News, website, social media, TV board in building, posters, flyers, curriculum night, concerts, plays, etc.
  • Support committee chairs (e.g. provide budget, connect with resources, etc)
  • Compile, write, create and send weekly PTSA E-news as well as occasional special event communications as needed.
  • Submit flyers to Peachjar as needed.
  • Submit information weekly to the school office for inclusion in the IMS E-News.
  • Work with the BOD and Webmaster to maintain relevant, accurate and updated website information.
  • Update IMPTSA social media accounts/pages (currently Facebook and Instagram) with timely information about PTSA events and information.
  • Create images and/or copy for events as needed.
  • Provide monthly PowerPoint files to main office for PTSA TV Presentations.
  • Work with Treasurer to manage revenue and expenses for any Communication needs.
  • Help recruit committee chairs under his/her directorship.
  • Upload and maintain electronic files relevant to the Communications job on the IMPTSA VP of Communications' Google Drive.
  • Own and maintain the IMPTSA VP of Communications' Gmail account.
  • Ensure documents and emails are in order to transfer to the incoming VP.
  • Meet with the incoming VP to transfer any notebooks and pass on information about the VP of Communications' role and responsibilities, including access to the IMPTSA VP of Communications' Gmail account and Google Drive.
  • Attend at least one PTSA training (yearly) in accordance with the most current WSPTA Bylaws.
  • Oversees the following:
    • Advocacy
    • Directory
    • ISF Liaison
    • Webmaster

 VP Programs

  • Attend monthly Board of Directors (BOD) and General Membership meetings (GMM).
  • Prepare and present monthly reports at the BOD and GMM meetings.
  • Support committee chairs (e.g. provide budget, connect with resources, etc)
  • Work with the Webmaster to maintain relevant, accurate and updated website information.
  • Support Committee Chairs as needed to submit information to the VP of Communications for distribution across communication channels.
  • Work with Director of Volunteers to recruit volunteers for programs as needed.
  • Work with Treasurer to manage revenue and expenses for Programs events.
  • Help recruit committee chairs under his/her directorship.
  • Upload and maintain electronic files relevant to the Programs job on the IMPTSA VP of Programs' Google Drive.
  • Own and maintain the IMPTSA VP of Programs' Gmail account.
  • Ensure documents and emails are in order to transfer to the incoming VP.
  • Meet with the incoming VP to transfer any notebooks and pass on information about the VP of Programs' role and responsibilities, including access to the IMPTSA VP of Programs' Gmail account and Google Drive.
  • Attend at least one PTSA training (yearly) in accordance with the most current WSPTA Bylaws.
  • Oversees the following:
    • Golden Acorn/Outstanding Educator Award
    • Multicultural Fair 
    • Reflections
    • Most Valuable Panther

 VP Ways and Means

  • Attend monthly Board of Directors (BOD) and General Membership meetings (GMM).
  • Prepare and present monthly reports at the BOD and GMM meetings.
  • Present opportunities for fundraisers to the BOD. Coordinate approved fundraisers as needed to meet the approved budget.
  • Support committee chairs (e.g. provide budget, connect with resources, etc)
  • Work with the Webmaster to maintain relevant, accurate and updated website information.
  • Submit fundraising information (copy/images/flyers) to the VP of Communications for distribution across relevant communication channels. Support Committee Chairs do to the same.
  • Plan and organize fundraising activities such as Dining for Dollars, Brick Sales (every other year) and Amazon Smiles.
  • Help with financial reviews as needed.
  • Support committee chairs; i.e., provide budget, connect with resources, etc.
  • Report fundraising activities at general PTSA meetings.
  • Work with Director of Volunteers to recruit volunteers for fundraising events as needed.
  • Work with Treasurer to manage revenue and expenses for fundraising events.
  • Help recruit committee chairs under his/her directorship.
  • Upload and maintain electronic files relevant to the Ways and Means job on the IMPTSA VP of Ways and Means' Google Drive.
  • Own and maintain the IMPTSA VP of Ways and Means' Gmail account.
  • Ensure documents and emails are in order to transfer to the incoming VP.
  • Meet with the incoming VP to transfer any notebooks and pass on information about the VP of Ways and Means' role and responsibilities, including access to the IMPTSA VP of Ways and Means' Gmail account and Google Drive.
  • Attend at least one PTSA training (yearly) in accordance with the most current WSPTA Bylaws.
  • Oversees the following fundraising activities:
    • Logowear
    • Salmon Days Parking
    • Corporate Giving

 Director of Hospitality

  • Attend and present at monthly Board of Directors (BOD) and General Membership meetings (GMM), or provide a written report to the President(s) if you cannot attend.
  • Create welcoming atmosphere at events.
  • Works with committees and other chairpersons to organize and set up refreshments, food, decorations and hosts for PTSA events and music concerts.
  • Support committee chairs; i.e., provide budget, connect with resources, etc.
  • Work with the Webmaster to maintain relevant, accurate and updated website information.
  • Submit hospitality information (copy/images/flyers) to the VP of Communications for distribution across relevant communication channels. Support Committee Chairs do to the same.
  • Maintains hospitality supplies and equipment.
  • Work with Director of Volunteers to recruit volunteers for hospitality events as needed (food donations, registration, room set up and clean up for events and music concerts, etc.)
  • Coordinate the purchase, preparation and set up of refreshments, food, supplies, registration sheets, name tags and any decorations for PTSA events and music concerts.
  • Coordinate with the Treasurer on any monetary donations received at music concerts.
  • Work with Treasurer to manage revenue and expenses for Hospitality events.
  • Help recruit committee chairs under his/her directorship.
  • Upload and maintain electronic files relevant to the Hospitality job on the IMPTSA Hospitality's Google Drive.
  • Own and maintain the IMPTSA Hospitality's Gmail account.
  • Ensure documents and emails are in order to transfer to the incoming Director.
  • Meet with the incoming Director to transfer any notebooks and pass on information about the role and responsibilities, including access to the IMPTSA Hospitality Gmail account and Google Drive.
  • Oversees the following:
    • Back to School Luncheon
    • Holiday Staff Breakfast
    • Staff Appreciation Week
    • Music Concerts (Band, Choir and Orchestra)

 Director of Membership

  • Attend and present at monthly Board of Directors (BOD) and General Membership meetings (GMM), or provide a written report to the President(s) if you cannot attend.
  • Work with the VP of Communications to create and execute membership campaign designed to accomplish membership goals for all categories (family, individual, staff and scholarships).
  • Work with the Webmaster to maintain relevant, accurate and updated website information.
  • Enter all members into the State PTA database.
  • Work with the Treasurer to ensure dues collected match the number of members recorded.
  • Ensure that fees are remitted to the PTSA Council.
  • Attend Curriculum Night, Fifth Grade Information Night, and other special IMS events where membership representation is needed.
  • Provide monthly reports of current membership numbers and maintain necessary records and procedures to pass along to the incoming Director of Membership.
  • Verify current members as needed.
  • Work with Treasurer to manage Membership Scholarship Fund.
  • Upload and maintain electronic files relevant to the Membership job on the IMPTSA Membership's Google Drive.
  • Own and maintain the IMPTSA Membership's Gmail account.
  • Ensure documents and emails are in order to transfer to the incoming Director.
  • Meet with the incoming Director to transfer any notebooks and pass on information about the role and responsibilities, including access to the IMPTSA Membership Gmail account and Google Drive.

 Director of Outreach

  • Attend and present at monthly Board of Directors (BOD) and General Membership meetings (GMM), or provide a written report to the President(s) if you cannot attend.
  • Prepare and present monthly reports at the BOD and GMM meetings.
  • Manage program that helps support IMS students and families who are struggling and need some extra assistance.
  • Support committee chairs; i.e., provide budget, connect with resources, etc.
  • Work with the Webmaster to maintain relevant, accurate and updated website information.
  • Work with Treasurer to manage revenue and expenses for Outreach programs and events.
  • Work with Director of Volunteers to recruit volunteers for programs as needed.
  • Contact the Outreach Angels when there is a need as indicated by the Principal.
  • Submit Outreach information for programs and events (copy/images/flyers) to the VP of Communications for distribution across relevant communication channels. Support Committee Chairs do to the same.
  • Work with the VP of Communications to disseminate and communicate relevant items to IMS community as provided in monthly PTSA Council Outreach newsletters.
  • Upload and maintain electronic files relevant to the Outreach job on the IMPTSA Outreach's Google Drive.
  • Own and maintain the IMPTSA Outreach's Gmail account.
  • Ensure documents and emails are in order to transfer to the incoming Director.
  • Meet with the incoming Director to transfer any notebooks and pass on information about the role and responsibilities, including access to the IMPTSA Outreach Gmail account and Google Drive.
  • Oversees the following:
    • Angel Program
    • Family and Community Engagement (FACE)
    • New Family and Ambassadors Program

 Director of Volunteers

  • Attend and present at monthly Board of Directors (BOD) and General Membership meetings (GMM), or provide a written report to the President(s) if you cannot attend.
  • Update and maintain the Committee Chair Info and Document as needed.
  • Work in close contact with the Webmaster to set up and maintain the Volunteer Interest sign-up page in August (as part of the parent PTSA registration packet) and on-going throughout the year to create and review sign-ups for volunteer events.
  • Disseminate lists of volunteers to committee Chairs and Board.
  • Develop and facilitate Chair trainings as needed.
  • Support committee chairs; i.e., provide budget, connect with resources, etc.
  • Send emails, as needed, via the PTSA website email tool in order to support recruiting volunteers.
  • Work with the VP of Communications to send requests for volunteers as necessary across different marketing/advertising channels.
  • Work with Treasurer to manage revenue and expenses for any Volunteer programs and events.
  • Supports school office with volunteers on an as-needed basis.
  • Upload and maintain electronic files relevant to the Volunteers job on the IMPTSA Volunteers' Google Drive.
  • Own and maintain the IMPTSA Volunteers' Gmail account.
  • Ensure documents and emails are in order to transfer to the incoming Director.
  • Meet with the incoming Director to transfer any notebooks and pass on information about the role and responsibilities, including access to the IMPTSA Volunteers Gmail account and Google Drive.
  • Oversees the following committee chairperson(s) that assist with various school led events/programs including:
    • ASB Activities
    • ASB Fundraising
    • Vision & Hearing Screenings
    • 8th Grade Party & Events
    • WalkAbout